Passing of Rev. Volodymyr Dmyterko

October 17, 1955 – October 27, 2023

Our condolences to the Dmyterko family on the loss of Rev. Volodymyr Dmyterko who passed away on Oct 17.

Thursday, November 16th

7 PM Priestly Parastas

Holy Eucharist Cathedral

501-4th Ave, New Westminster BC

Reception to follow.

Friday, November 17th

10 AM Funeral Divine Liturgy

Holy Eucharist Cathedral

501-4th Ave, New Westminster BC

Monday, November 20th

10:30 AM Panakhyda and Burial

Dormition of the Mother of God parish

1091 Coronation Ave., Kelowna BC

Reception to follow.

May our Lord place Fr. Volodymyr’s soul in the place where all the saints abide, and may his memory be everlasting – Вічная Пам’ять!

Conference seeks to promote dialogue between Bishops and Indigenous Catholics

International conference seeks to promote dialogue between Catholic Bishops and Indigenous-Catholic populations

For a printable version of this press release, click here.

25 September 2023, Ottawa – Representatives from Catholic Indigenous organizations came together last week with Catholic Bishops from the Episcopal Conferences of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States for the International Conference on Catholic Indigenous Ministry (ICCI). This gathering, held in Washington D.C., was a historic milestone advancing dialogue, learning, and fellowship among pastoral agents working with Indigenous-Catholic communities.

Hosted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Subcommittee on Native American Affairs, the purpose of the week-long gathering was to share experiences, ideas, resources, and best practices encountered in the relationship between the Catholic Church and Indigenous communities.

The Canadian delegates who participated in this International Conference were: the Most Rev. Richard Smith, Archbishop of Edmonton, the Most Rev. Mark Hagemoen, Bishop of Saskatoon, who represented the CCCB, alongside Ms. Rosella Kinoshameg (Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory, Ojibway/Odawa), Ms. Giselle Marion (Tłı̨chǫ First Nation, Behchokǫ̀, NWT) and the Hon. Graydon Nicholas (Welastoqiyik, Neqotkok), as Indigenous representatives.

“It was an honor to be here together along with the other representatives from the Native and Indigenous communities,” said Graydon Nicholas, a Wolastoquey Elder, former Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, and member of Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle. “I am grateful to have had the opportunity to share on the common themes that were identified, on matters of great interest, and on the hopes and challenges which we experience in our respective countries. We would like to thank the organizing committee for the years of careful preparation that have gone into making this Conference a reality.”

“This conference provided an opportunity for all participants to dialogue, which has fostered a better understanding of the relationship between the Church and Indigenous peoples,” said the Most Rev. Richard Smith, Archbishop of Edmonton. “My hope is that the conversations we had during this meeting can bring us closer together towards a path of dialogue and reconciliation. It was another opportunity to hear directly from the Indigenous peoples of Canada and other countries. This event was a reminder to walk together with our Indigenous peoples on the path to healing towards a future full of hope.”

The gathering added an international component to the wider and comprehensive synodal approach that the Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church is taking to reinvigorate ministry with various ethnic and cultural communities. Included as a key part of the meeting agenda was a listening session for the Bishops with representatives from Catholic Indigenous organizations, with the intent that it will help charter a path for ministry to Indigenous Peoples at the international level. The topics of discussion emphasized the importance of being both Catholic and Indigenous, and included evangelization, education, reconciliation, healing, inculturation, as well as reflection on social concerns such as poverty, racism, and the environment.


Written by :

This article is a press release from the organization.

statement – national day of truth and reconciliation – ENG



Very Rev. Michael Kwiatkowski Appointed Bishop of the Eparchy of New Westminster


The Vatican announced on Thursday, 24 August 2023, that the Holy Father, Pope Francis, has appointed Very Rev. Michael Kwiatkowski, Eparchial Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster (Canada). Father Michael Kwiatkowski, until now the Chancellor of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg, becomes the 4th Bishop for Ukrainian Catholics in the Province of British Columbia and the Yukon since the Eparchy was created in 1974.


Fr. Michael was born 21 November 1961 in Hamiota MB. The son of Edward Kwiatkowski and Phyllis Zemliak, he is the 3rd of 7 children. He attended elementary and secondary schools in Brandon MB, completing his high school at St. Vladimir’s College and Minor Seminary in Roblin MB. After initial University studies and some work experience, Michael began his seminary formation on 7 September 1980. He resided at St. Josaphat Seminary in Rome, attending courses at the Angelicum, where he earned a BA in Philosophy (1980-1982) and a BA in Theology (1982-1985).


He made his Profession of Faith on 13 September 1985, and was ordained to the Diaconate on 14 September 1985 in Roblin MB by Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk CSsR. He was ordained a priest on 28 July 1986 in Brandon MB, also by Metropolitan Hermaniuk. After serving as assistant pastor at Protection of the BVM Church (Boyd) in Winnipeg, he returned to Rome to undertake studies in Canon Law. He completed these studies, earning a Doctorate in Canon Law from the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome (JCD).


Fr. Michael lived in Ukraine from 1996-2006, while the Church was reestablishing itself after years of underground existence. There he became chancellor of the Archeparchy of Lviv, and served as Judge and head of the Major Archbishopric Tribunal. He served as Vice-Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, taught courses in Canon Law and directed the University’s department of pastoral life for six years.


He returned to Canada to serve as Spiritual Director at Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in Ottawa from 2006 – 2010. From 1 August 2010 – 2021, he undertook parish ministry at Holy Eucharist Parish in Winnipeg, and from 2021 until the present has been parish priest at Protection of the BVM Parish in Winnipeg. He serves on the Winnipeg Tri-Diocesan Pro-Life Committee as well as the Tri-Diocesan Prison Ministry Committee. He was State Chaplain for the Manitoba Knights of Columbus from 2016-2019.


Fr. Michael has served as the Chancellor of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg from 1 August 2014, also representing the Archeparchy on the Patriarchal Ukrainian Greek Pastoral Council since its establishment in 2019 in Ukraine.


Metropolitan Lawrence, Bishop Andriy, the clergy, religious sisters and lay faithful of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg extend prayerful best wishes to Bishop-Elect Michael Kwiatkowski as he begins this new ministry to the People of God in the New Westminster Eparchy. We wish to assure him of our solidarity and support, through the prayers of Blessed Bishop Nykyta Budka, Bishop and Martyr.



6:00 pm, Tuesday, November 7

Cathedral of Saints Volodymyr & Olha, Winnipeg



6:00 pm, Wednesday, November 8

Cathedral of Saints Volodymyr & Olha, Winnipeg



10:00 am, Divine Liturgy, Sunday, November 12

Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Winnipeg



10:00 am, Saturday, November 18

Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Vancouver



10:00 am, Sunday, November 19

Holy Eucharist Cathedral, New Westminster


Для Нью-Вестмінстерської єпархії в Канаді призначено правлячого єпископа


Сьогодні, 24 серпня 2023 року, у Ватикані повідомлено про те, що Святіший Отець Франциск, поблагословивши рішення Синоду Єпископів УГКЦ, призначив о. Михайла Квятковського правлячим єпископом Української католицької єпархії Нью-Вестмінстера, що на Заході Канади.


Про це інформує пресслужба Святого Престолу.


Отець Михайло Квятковський, дотепер канцлер Вінніпезької архиєпархії УГКЦ, стане четвертим єпископом для українських греко-католиків у провінції Британська Колумбія та Юкон від часу створення для них Нью-Вестмінстерської єпархії в 1974 році.


Деталі щодо єпископської хіротонії та інтронізації будуть повідомлені згодом.


Біографічна довідка


Владика-номінант Михайло Квятковський народився 21 листопада 1961 року в м. Гаміота, Манітоба. Був третьою із семи дитиною у сім’ї Едварда Квятковського та Філіс Земляк. Здобув неповну середню освіту у школі м. Брендон і повну середню — в коледжі Святого Володимира та Малій семінарії в Робліні, Манітоба. Розпочавши навчання в університеті та паралельно працюючи, 7 вересня 1980 року вступив до семінарії. У Римі проживав в Українській папській колегії святого Йосафата і навчався в Університеті святого Томи з Аквіну (Анджелікум), де здобув ступені бакалавра з філософії (1980–1982) та богослов’я (1982–1985).


14 вересня 1985 року у Робліні, Манітоба, митрополит Максим Германюк висвятив його на диякона. Ієрейські свячення прийняв 28 липня 1986 року. Послуживши сотрудником у парафії Покрову Пресвятої Богородиці у Вінніпезі, повернувся до Рима вивчати канонічне право у Східному інституті, де здобув ступінь доктора.


З 1996 по 2006 рік, у період, коли Українська Греко-Католицька Церква зміцнювалася після довгих років підпілля, владика-номінант Михайло Квятковський проживав в Україні. Здійснював служіння канцлера Патріаршої курії та судді й голови Верховно-Архиєпископського трибуналу. Також був віцеректором Українського католицького університету у Львові, де викладав канонічне право й очолював душпастирський відділ упродовж 6 років.


Повернувшись до Канади, був призначений духівником Української греко-католицької семінарії Святого Духа в Оттаві (2006–2010).


Від 2010 до 2021 року служив в українській греко-католицькій парафії Пресвятої Євхаристії, а від 2021 року і дотепер — парох церкви Покрову Пресвятої Богородиці у Вінніпезі. Служив у комітетах за збереження життя та пенітенціарному, організованих двома римо-католицькими архидієцезіями Вінніпега та Вінніпезькою архиєпархією УГКЦ. Також був капеланом Лицарів Колумба у провінції Манітоба (2016–2019).


Від 1 серпня 2014 року і дотепер владика-номінант Михайло Квятковський служив канцлером Вінніпезької архиєпархії УГКЦ, був представником Вінніпезької архиєпархії в Душпастирській раді Української Греко-Католицької Церкви з моменту її заснування 2019 року.


18:00, вівторок, 7 листопада

Собор Святих Володимира і Ольги, Вінніпег


18:00, середа, 8 листопада

Собор Святих Володимира і Ольги, Вінніпег


10:00, Божественна Літургія, неділя, 12 листопада

Парафія Пресвятої Діви Марії, Вінніпег


10:00, субота, 18 листопада

Парафія Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці, Ванкувер


10:00, неділя, 19 листопада

Собор Пресвятої Євхаристії, Нью-Вестмінстер



Divine Liturgy – Saturday, November 18, 10AM 

followed by a celebratory banquet.

St. Mary’s Parish (560 West 14th Ave, Vancouver)

Banquet tickets can be purchased through Fr. Joseph Pidskalny 604.879.5830, OR Fr. Yuriy Sakvuk 778.789.9639,

Tickets – $75. 

Payments can be made by cash, cheques (issued to Eparchy of New Westminster) or e-transfer Get your tickets before November 15.


Divine Liturgy – Sunday, November 19, 10AM followed by a reception.

Holy Eucharist Cathedral (501-4th Ave, New Westminster)

No reception tickets required.

Hotel Reservations to be made directly by October 24 

at Holiday Inn Vancouver Centre

711 West Broadway, Vancouver


Use promo code: Eparchy of New Westminster

Департамент інформації УГКЦ


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