• 2-9 pm. Art & Culture Pavilions / Мистецькі та культурні павільйони
  • 3-9 pm. Lyceum Pavilion / Лекторій
  • 3-9 pm. Children’s Play Area / Дитяча ігрова зона
  • 4-6 pm. Gastronomy Pavilion /Гастрономічний павільйон
  • 4-9 pm: Beer Garden and Kozatskyi Feast Pavilion/ Пивний сад і Козацький павільйон
  • 5-6 pm: Concert                 

Please help others and seek help to book your place online!

NWE Jubilee Letter 2024

Послання Синоду Єпископів 2024

PostSynodal Exhortation 2024


On Tuesday 13 August 2024, we will remembering in prayer our dear priest, the late Reverend Father Steven Basarab who reposed in the Lord on 5 July 2024. 

The funeral services were held with a full ‘priestly parastas’ on Saturday 25 July and a funeral Divine Liturgy on 26 July – both at St. Joseph’s Catholic church in Fr. Steve’s hometown of Chemainus, BC. The Ukrainian Catholic Bishop of New Westminster, His Excellency Michael Kwiatkowski presided at both services and was joined by a good number of priests from around the province. An inspiration to everyone present was the great number of faithful that attended the services, especially the filled the church on the day of the funeral and interment. Bishop Michael preached at the Divine Liturgy, while long-time friend, Archpriest Joe Ostopowich from Vancouver preached at the parastas. At the reception – which was very graciously hosted by the good people of St. Joseph Parish – Father Steven’s family spoke and a number of friends and former parishioners shared stories and memories.  

According to our ancient and very popular tradition, we come together on the 40th-day after the death of Father Steven, who served the Lord and His People to the best of his ability as a priest for almost 35 years. The 40-day tradition certainly calls to mind the 40-day periods mentioned in scripture… the 40-day fasts of Moses (Exodus 34:28) and Elijah (1Kings 19), the 40 days during which Jesus fasted in the desert (Matthew 4), the 40 days Jesus remained upon the earth after His Resurrection, before finally ascending into heaven (Acts 1:3). It surely is also a practical tradition that after 40 days – matters have been settled, close friends and relatives have moved somewhat back into their routine of life, and now all can gather in a peaceful manner to commemorate the deceased, to reminisce and offer encouragement to each other.  

What follows is the text of the eulogy spoken by our Chancellor, the Very Rev. Yuriy Vyshnevskyy, at the “tryzna” – i.e. funeral luncheon – prior to Fr. Steven’s interment.  


CCCB Press Release — Instrumentum Laboris for Second Session of the Synod on Synodality

Thursday, July 25 2024

OTTAWA, July 25, 2024 – On 9 July 2024, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops released the Instrumentum laboris for the upcoming second session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to be held 2-27 October 2-27 2024 in Rome. This session will mark a significant moment in the Church’s ongoing synodal journey, initiated in 2021, by discerning how the Church can become more synodal and missionary.

The Instrumentum laboris is designed as a working tool for the Assembly members. Rather than providing definitive answers, it aims to foster prayer, dialogue, and discernment, in view of refining and building  consensus on the ways to be a synodal missionary Church. This document reflects the insights and contributions from local churches worldwide, gathered through extensive consultations and during the first session of the Assembly.

Key Highlights of the Instrumentum laboris:

  1. Foundations of Synodality: The document emphasizes the Church’s identity as the People of God and Sacrament of unity, rooted in the living tradition of the Church. It highlights the importance of synodality as a path of conversion and reform, calling for a renewed understanding of ecclesial communion and a commitment to live synodality in all its dimensions.
  2. Three Perspectives:
    • Relations: This section delves into the essential relationships within the Church – with God, among the faithful, and between Churches. It underscores the vitality of these relationships, transcending mere structural considerations.
    • Paths: Focused on the practical pathways that nurture Christian relationships and support the Church’s mission, this section calls for formation plans that are contextually relevant and encourages transparent accountability in ecclesial responsibilities.
    • Places: This section examines the specific cultural and contextual realities where the Church’s synodal life is embodied. It promotes dynamic relationships and participation in the local Churches and broader ecclesial structures.
  3. Ongoing Synodal Process: The document situates the current phase within the broader synodal journey, ensuring continuity with previous stages, including the consultations of local churches, continental assemblies, and the first session of the Assembly.

Looking Ahead

The second session of the Assembly will be a critical moment for the Church to reflect on and respond to the evolving needs of being a synodal and missionary Church. It will involve prayerful discernment and dialogue on how to implement the orientations and proposals outlined in the Instrumentum laboris.

The General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops invites all members of the People of God to engage in this journey through prayer and sharing of reflections, contributing to the task entrusted to the Assembly members.

For more information about the Synod, please visit: Synods of Bishops – Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (cccb.ca)

The CCCB press release on the release of the Instrumentum laboris for the Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod.

In English: Preparation Underway for Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops – Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (cccb.ca)

In French: Préparations en cours pour la deuxième session de la XVIe Assemblée générale ordinaire du Synode des évêques – Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (cecc.ca)

The CCCB press release is also attached to this email, in PDF format.

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