Радо представляю вам нову книгу з нашої серії «Молитовне читання Святого Письма» – «У школі Йоана» – і запрошую вирушити в цю духовну подорож, відкриваючи для себе нові аспекти віри і зміцнюючи свою любов до життєдайної мудрості Божого Слова.
Цей коментар до четвертого Євангелія збагатить ваше знання Святого Письма, і ви помітите, що Євангеліє від Йоана значно відрізняється від трьох інших синоптичних Євангелій. Тож ви зробите собі послугу, шукаючи паралельні тексти в усіх Євангеліях, щоб відкрити для себе та тих, хто читає з вами, ще повніше розуміння.
Євангеліє від Йоана – особливе, бо відкриває нам власне особу Ісуса Христа – Сина Божого, який став людиною задля спасіння всього людства. Воно вже з перших величних слів «Споконвіку було Слово» закликає нас до роздумів над таїнством Божественного Слова, яке стало тілом і оселилося між нами.
Це Євангеліє впроваджує нас у світ знаків-чудес, що виявляють Божу силу і любов до людей, закликаючи кожного з нас до віри, яка змінює життя. Щоб і ми могли досвідчити Божу любов у своєму житті, Євангелист Йоан – учень, «що його любив Ісус», – ділиться з нами своїм глибоким особистим досвідом наймолодшого з апостолів, який ніколи не припиняв зростати у вірі та любові до Бога, аж поки останнім із Дванадцятьох не завершив це паломницьке життя.
Молитовне читання Євангелія від Йоана – це не просто вивчення тексту, а шлях до зустрічі з живим Христом. Нехай це молитовне читання стане джерелом благодаті для кожного з нас, наповнюючи наші серця миром, радістю і надією у Христі!
Я переконаний, якщо ви знайдете час і приділите його для вивчення живого Слова Божого, ви побачите, як кожна мить, включно з вашим життям, пов’язана з усією історією спасіння, і це буде досвід, більш захопливий і приємний, аніж прочитання будь-якого повного таємниць роману або пригодницького трилеру. Насолоджуйтесь!
Хай Господь рясно благословить вас на цьому шляху!
Владика Михайло Квятковський, голова Патріаршої катехитичної комісії УГКЦ
Довідка: молитовне читання Євангелія від Йоана – це продовження програми молитовного читання Святого Письма, яку Патріарша катехитична комісія підготувала на прохання Синоду єпископів УГКЦ.
Тексти Євангелія з коментарем з книги Фаусті Сільвано і Канелла Вінченцо “У школі Йоана” будемо публікувати щовівторка тут, на сайті Патріаршої катехитичної комісії.
Ознайомитися з усіма матеріалами щодо організації молитовного читання можна за цим посиланням:
Дорогі катехити, вітаю вас з Днем катехита і початком нового катехитичного року!
Коли Синод Єпископів затвердив мене на посаду голови Патріаршої катехитичної комісії нашої Церкви, я відчув велике хвилювання (гаразд, теж трохи страху), але також і радість, що я буду мати цю роль у виконанні радісного доручення нашого Господа, який сказав: «Ідіть, отже, і зробіть учнями всі народи…, навчаючи їх берегти все, що я вам заповідав» (Мт 28,19-20). Думаю, що і ви відчули це, коли вперше були призначені катехитами, і відчуваєте це на початку кожного катехитичного року – як тепер!
Насамперед від імені всіх єпископів і душпастирів нашої Церкви дякую вам за вашу готовність посвятися цьому надзвичайно важливому служінню, яке ви звершуєте для Господа, допомагаючи духовенству і батькам у вихованні їхніх дітей та зростанні у вірі всіх християн.
Владика Михайло Квятковський
Цей рік розпочинаємо у передсмаку і приготуваннях до Ювілейного Святого Року Надії, Святі Двері якого відчиняться вже в навечір’я Різдва Христового. Ця надія, що є не порожнім оптимізмом, а даром Божої благодаті, сьогодні так потрібна нашому світу, Україні та кожній людині.
Запрошую усю нашу спільноту катехитів вирушити – разом із кожним із довірених вашій опіці – в це паломництво надії, метою якого є зустріч з Христом – Джерелом нашої надії. На цьому шляху кріпімося Божим Словом, бо в ньому – Дух і життя (пор. Йо 6,63).
Особливо заохочую вас через молитовне читання Євангелія від Йоана відкривати нові аспекти віри, плекати надію та зміцнювати свою любов до Христа.
Дозвольмо Господу через Святі Таїнства зцілювати наші рани, заподіяні війною та іншими викликами сучасності, й відновлювати нас до нової надії та нового життя. Станьмо взірцем життя Таїнствами та благовісниками і знаками надії для тих, хто поряд, хто потребує розради і підтримки, для тих, кого ми у своєму служінні покликані привести до зустрічі з Христом.
Звеселяймо свій шлях піснею. Хай це паломництво зазвучить чистими голосами, зокрема і через участь у нашому традиційному конкурсі «Пісня серця», який з кожним роком привертає увагу все більшої кількості людей у всьому світі. Зростаймо у пізнанні нашої віри й традиції, запрошую цього року в особливий спосіб застановитися над першою частиною Катехизму для молоді «Ми йдемо з Христом».
Звертаймося з довірою до Пресвятої Богородиці – Матері нашої Надії. Вчімося в неї віри і любові, черпаючи силу для нашого служіння.
Нехай Господь рясно благословить вас на цьому шляху служіння!
Владика Михайло Квятковський, голова Патріаршої катехитичної комісії
Під час спільної молитви у Зарваниці катехити з владикою Михайлом Квятковським і владикою Давидом Мотюком
This summer, we were thrilled to bring back our Eparchial Summer Camp after a hiatus caused by COVID-19 and wildfires. With 48 enthusiastic campers from various parishes across the Eparchy, we gathered for a week of fun, fellowship, and spiritual growth at the beautiful Camp St. Volodymyr in Princeton.
Our campers dove into a wide range of activities, from swimming and canoeing to engaging in arts and crafts. The laughter and joy were palpable as they enjoyed waterfront activities and field games, fostering friendships that we hope will last a lifetime.
The spiritual component of the camp was just as enriching. The week commenced with a Divine Liturgy celebrated by Bishop Michael Kwiatkowski, setting a beautiful tone for our days together. Following the theme of Pope Francis’s Year of Prayer – Teach us to Pray, campers delved into the four types of prayer (praise, thanksgiving, repentance, petition) and the Lord’s Prayer, deepening their understanding of faith and prayer.
We were honored to have Fr. Mykhailo Ozorovych and Fr. Yuriy Sakvuk lead our liturgical services. Each day campers had a chance to learn something new at the Catechism lessons led by our priests and Alina Novytska. Singing and prayer around the camp’s fire was a beautiful addition to each of the days of our camp. At the end of the week the clergy of the camp were joined by Frs. Andrzej Wasylinko and Pavlo Myts enabling campers and staff to have a chance to receive a Sacrament of Reconciliation.
None of this would have been possible without the dedication of our incredible counsellers and volunteers, whose time and energy made the week unforgettable. Under the thoughtful direction of Jennifer Calwell, the assistance of Iryna Dzobko and Christina Roth, and the attentive care of the Dr. Vitaliy Kubatskyy the camp ran smoothly and created a nurturing environment for all involved. Their commitment to serving our campers was truly inspiring and greatly appreciated.
As we look back on this wonderful week, we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to reconnect and grow together in faith, and we can’t wait for next year’s camp!
On the evening of 15 September 2024, the traditional annual formation course for new bishops began in Rome. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is represented by seven bishops at once.
The annual formation courses are organized by the Dicastery for Bishops in cooperation with the Dicastery for Eastern Churches for new Catholic bishops appointed during the previous year. Such meetings were initiated by the then Pope John Paul II back in 2000. So every year in September, the new bishops come to Rome. This year’s meeting is taking place at the College of the Holy Apostle Paul.
According to the organizers of the event, these days of formation are intended to help the new bishops experience a powerful moment of communion, to share the experience of the gift of the fullness of the Sacrament of Priesthood.
At the heart of this experience of communion is the prayer at the tomb of the Apostle Peter and the encounter with his Successor, with whom the bishops create a bond of communion, thus witnessing to the unity of the entire Catholic Church, scattered throughout the earth. In a context filled with prayer and community life, the new pastors of the Church listen to various presentations together, work in groups and actively participate in discussions.
This year’s meeting of bishops takes place on 15-21 September. The main topic of reports and discussions is: “Shepherds Rooted in Christ. At the service of the Church, called to live in the present and preserve the seeds of the future.”
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is represented by seven bishops: Bishop Maksym Ryabukh, Auxiliary Bishop of the Donetsk Exarchate, Bishop Mykola Semenyshyn, Auxiliary Bishop of the Ivano-Frankivsk Archeparchy, Bishop Andriy Khimyak, Auxiliary Bishop of the Kyiv Archeparchy, Bishop Petro Holiney, Auxiliary Bishop of the Kolomyia Eparchy, and Bishop Volodymyr Firman, Auxiliary Bishop of the Ternopil-Zboriv Archeparchy, with Bishops Michael Kwiatkowski, Bishop of the New Westminster Eparchy, and Bishop Michael Smolinski, CSsR, Bishop of the Saskatoon Eparchy, coming to Rome from Canada. Also participating in the formation courses are Bishop Theodore Matsapula, Bishop of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy, in Zakarpattia, Ukraine, and Archbishop Jonas Maksim, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Presov, Slovakia.
“This meeting brought together more than 150 bishops from around the world. Although we are very different, from the first minutes of meeting we feel a common strong spirit that unites us through service to God and the Church. We speak different languages, but we understand each other very well because we share common values based on our faith. This meeting allows us, the bishops from Ukraine, to witness the truth about the war against our people, to thank you for your prayers and to ask for further support for our suffering Ukraine,” said Bishop Andriy Khimyak at the beginning of the meeting.
In turn, Bishop Theodore Matsapula added: “This event is a unique opportunity for spiritual enrichment and sharing, however small, of experience between the new pastors of our Church. The meeting contributes to the deepening of faith, strengthening of unity and discussion of the challenges faced by modern society. We ask for your prayers for all the participants, so that their mission may be fruitful and inspired by God’s grace!”
During the six days of joint meetings this year, the new Catholic bishops will have the opportunity to reflect on the bishop’s ministry of preserving and transmitting the treasure of faith and his concern for the integral development of man, on the identity and mission of the Church in the modern world, and on its present reality, which requires it to be in true dialogue with the world. This will be possible thanks to the reports of Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal José Talentino de Mendoza, Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, Cardinal Mario Greck, Secretary General of the Synod for Synodality, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelisation, Cardinal Michael Cerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Ministry and Integral Human Development, Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, and others.
A separate item of the formation programme will be the traditional meeting with the Holy Father Pope Francis, which will take place on Thursday, 19 September. During the audience, the Pope will address the bishops with relevant instructions and advice on the episcopal ministry in the Church today. On Friday, 20 September, all the new bishops of the Eastern Catholic Churches will also meet with Cardinal Claudio Gugerotti, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches.
Press service of the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC
We warmly invite you to join us in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster. This milestone event promises a day of reflection, joy, and community spirit as we give thanks for five decades of blessings and spiritual growth. This celebration is a chance to honour our past, rejoice in the present, and look forward with hope and faith into our future.
Сердечно запрошуємо вас приєднатися до нас у святкуванні 50-річчя Української Католицької Єпархії Нью-Вестмінстера. Ця знаменна подія обіцяє день роздумів, радості та спільного духу, оскільки ми дякуємо за п’ять десятиліть благословень і духовного зростання. Це свято – можливість вшанувати наше минуле, порадіти сьогоденню та з надією та вірою дивитися у майбутнє.
Day 1 Fri. Sep 27th/ 27 вересня
6:30 PM: Moleben of Thanksgiving / Молебень Подяки
7:00 PM: Returning Elegance: Romantic Europe Voyage/ Повернення елегантності: романтична європейська подорож Join us for a special evening with Ukrainian pianist Anna Sagalova and a surprise guest flutist, celebrating 50 years of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster with beautiful music from Schumann, Mendelssohn, and Skoryk.
Приєднуйтесь до нас на особливий вечір з українською піаністом Анною Сагаловою та несподіваним гостем-флейтистом, святкуючи 50-річчя української католицької єпархії Нью-Вестмінстера чудовою музикою Шумана, Мендельсона та Скорика
7:45 PM: Wine Reception and Appetizers/ Вино та закуски
Day 2 Sat. Sep 28th/ 28 вересня
8:30 AM: Panakhyda/Панахида (Memorial Service) for the Founders of the Eparchy: Bishops, clergy, religious and laity.
Enjoy a communal lunch, providing a time for sharing and fellowship.
Opening remarks and welcome by Bishop Michael Kwiatkowski.
Explore an engaging exhibition that walks you through 50 years of the Eparchy’s history with photos, artifacts, and engaging stories.
Enjoy vibrant Ukrainian songs performed by the ensemble “Dibrova” throughout the event.
Насолоджуйтеся спільним обідом, виділяючи час для спілкування та спілкування.
Вступне слово та привітання єпископа Михайла Квятковського.
Перегляньте захоплюючу виставку, яка проведе вас через 50 років історії єпархії з фотографіями, артефактами та цікавими історіями.
Протягом усього заходу лунали яскраві українські пісні у виконанні ансамблю «Діброва».
2 – 9 PM: Ukrainian New West Fest
2-9 pm. Art & Culture Pavilions / Мистецькі та культурні павільйони
Explore Pavilions for an immersive journey through Ukraine’s diverse regions, featuring engaging descriptive panels, authentic crafts, and interactive workshops that celebrate the unique cultural heritages and artistic expressions of each area./ Відвідайте павільйони для захоплюючої подорожі різноманітними регіонами України, де представленіі описові панелі, автентичні ремесла та інтерактивні майстер-класи, які відзначають унікальну культурну спадщину та мистецькі прояви кожної області.
3-9 pm. Lyceum Pavilion / Лекторій
Experience the richness of Ukraine’s diverse heritage at the Lyceum Pavilion through educational films and presentations, and capture this spirit in our themed photobooth dressed in traditional Ukrainian costumes.
Відчуйте багатство різноманітної спадщини України в павільйоні ліцею через навчальні фільми та презентації та зафіксуйте цей дух у нашій тематичній фотозоні в традиційних українських костюмах.
3-9 pm. Children’s Play Area / Дитяча ігрова зона
Dive into a vibrant hub of games, face painting, and storytelling that sparks joy and imagination in our youngest guests.
Пориньте в яскравий осередок ігор, малювання обличчя та оповідань, що викликає радість і уяву в наших найменших гостей.
Discover the vibrant flavours of Ukraine, where top chefs bring regional specialties like “bograch” and “dzyama” to life, offering a dynamic and sophisticated culinary exploration in a lively meeting place for food enthusiasts. Відкрийте для себе яскраві смаки України, де найкращі шеф-кухарі втілюють у життя такі місцеві страви, як «бограч» і «дзяма», пропонуючи динамічне та вишукане кулінарне дослідження в жвавому місці зустрічі для любителів їжі.
4-9 pm: Beer Garden and Kozatskyi Feast Pavilion/ Пивний сад і Козацький павільйон
Step into the Beer Garden to enjoy a curated selection of local craft beers in a vibrant setting, pairing perfectly with the hearty traditional Ukrainian grilled delights served at the “Kozatskyi Pavilion.”
Зайдіть у Пивний сад, щоб насолодитися вибраним вибором місцевого крафтового пива в яскравій обстановці, яке ідеально поєднується з ситними традиційними українськими стравами на грилі, які подають у «Козацькому павільйоні».
5-6 pm: Concert
Experience a day of musical enchantment starting with the Children’s Festival, featuring performances by talented young artists and culminating in a vibrant adult concert complemented by an exhilarating integrated flash mob that brings together performers and audience members in a spirited celebration of Ukrainian culture.
Відчуйте день музичного чарівництва, починаючи з Дитячого фестивалю, який включає виступи талановитих молодих артистів і завершується яскравим дорослим концертом, доповненим захоплюючим інтегрованим флешмобом, який об’єднує виконавців і глядачів у жвавому святі української культури.
Day 3 Sun. Sep 28th/ 28 вересня
8 AM: Sunday Matins/ Утреня
9 AM: Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with Ordination of Ryan Bjorgaards to Minor Orders followed by festive meal
10:30 AM: Архиєрейська Божественна Літургія та святковий обід
To the Clergy, Women Religious, Lay Faithful and all Friends and supporters of the Eparchy of New Westminster, Canada
Христос Воскрес! Christ is Risen!
First Seeds Planted and Cultivated
Although some historic research suggests that Ukrainians may have made their way to British Columbia to take advantage of the gold rush of the 1870s, the Ukrainian Catholic presence in the territory of today’s Eparchy of New Westminster can definitely be documented back to when Basilian missionaries made contact with Ukrainian immigrants in 1904.
The Ukrainian Basilian Fathers who had only started establishing themselves in central Canada and Alberta, managed to send a missionary, Father Anton Strotsky, to British Columbia in 1904 to connect with members of the Ukrainian Community who were already working in the mines and operating their own orchards.
Besides Fr. Strotsky, our Eparchy is grateful to the Basilian Fathers who contributed so much to the growth of the Ukrainian Catholic presence in British Columbia for some 120 years now. They especially developed the parish of St. Mary’s in Vancouver, but they also engaged in mission activity throughout the lower mainland and other parts of the
territory. Of course, the first two bishops of the Eparchy – Bishop Jerome Chimy and Bishop Severian Yakymyshyn – were chosen from the Order of Saint Basil the Great. Aside from monastic missionaries many dedicated secular priests – Canadian-born and
from abroad – also devoted themselves to serving God’s People wherever they settled throughout the territory of the Eparchy – long before and ever sense it was established. Names of ‘Fathers’ like Bilyk, Galarnyk, Hanushevsky, Olsen, Sabara and the Studite Stek, are only a few of dozens and dozens of dedicate priests who are fondly remembered by people whose lives they touched.
We want to acknowledge the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate who were already visiting British Columbia from the 1920s, teaching Catechism and Religion classes around the province. They especially became involved with the new Eparchy right from the very beginning – working with youth and various organizations like UCWLC and the UCBC. They facilitated missions and enhancing the life of parishes. To this day, the Sisters participate in parish events, lead liturgical services, maintain reception at the Chancery Offices and serve as members of Eparchial councils.
The Eparchy was blessed by visits of several illustrious Church leaders over the years. Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, making his way across Canada in 1910 to learn of the pastoral needs of the Ukrainian settlements, visited Vancouver hoping to organize some Church activity. Bishop and Martyr Blessed Nytkyta Budka visited in 1925 when he consecrated the new church in Grindrod. The hero and confessor who survived 18 years in the Soviet Gulag, Patriarch Josepf Slipyj visited in 1968. We may mention the 1984 Visit of Pope Saint John Paul II. He did not visit the Ukrainian community in this part of Canada per se, but he acknowledged their generous participation, “I am likewise deeply grateful for all who have made great efforts to come from […] the Eparchy of New Westminster under the leadership of Bishop Chimy”. Soon after his assuming the leadership of the UGCC, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky came in 1986. Following a meeting of the Permanent Synod in Edmonton in 2008, the then head of our Church, Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, visited the Eparchy of New Westminster. His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk visited in 2012 as Canada celebrated the 100th anniversary of the appointment of the abovementioned Blessed Nykyta as the first Ukrainian Catholic Bishop to Canada. At that time, he blessed the Bishop Jerome Eparchial Centre, which had been newly renovated by Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski. Speaking of Church leaders, our eparchy has also provided a few. Among them are Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak of Winnipeg and Bishop Paul Chomnycky of Stamford, who were born grew up within our Eparchy.
Of course, many of our parishes preceded the establishment of the Eparchy of New Westminster in 1974. They will be mentioned in other Jubilee material, but we certainly can mention those that were established as parishes early on in the early 1900s. Some soon even had their first churches built. St. Anne at Mount Cartier and Sts Peter and Paul in Grindrod were the first churches built in 1922 and 1924 respectively. St Mary’s in Vancouver served by the Fathers of the Basilian community has grown from its early missionary pastoral activity into an inspiring campus of facilities and residences as well as the large modern church rom 1982. St. Nicholas in Coldstream and St. Josaphat in Vernon are among the many parishes that were formed in the first half of the 20th Century and are still functioning today. Many other parishes soon blossomed immediately after the Second World War. Ukrainians in centres like Victoria, Kamloops and New Westminster, among others, soon organized themselves, requested priests to provide pastoral care and quickly grew into the active parishes that they are today.
A number of our parishes faded away into the costal mists over the years. Names like Revelstoke, Port Alberni and the Kootenays, among several more, were established mission points back in the day. On the other hand, however, with the influx of newcomers from Ukraine over the past couple of years, new, hopeful centres of pastoral activity are appearing on the map. The Comox Valley, Maple Ridge, Abbottsford, among others, are now places of pastoral outreach. The potential of cities like Chilliwack, where pastoral activity had to be abandoned at some point, are now being explored for revival once again.
The Establishment of Our Eparchy
After having been petitioned by the Ukrainian Catholic Church and after consulting the Catholic Church in Canada and seeing that the pastoral needs were obvious and that the time had truly come, Pope Saint Paul VI canonically established the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster on 27 June 1974. It was a vast territory that included the Province of British Columbia, the Yukon Territory and a western portion of the Northwest Territories. The Eparchy of Edmonton ceded the pastoral care of this region to the new Bishop of the new Eparchy – Bishop Jerome Chimy, OSBM, who was consecrated and enthroned on 5 September 1974 at the newly designated Cathedral of the Holy Eucharist in New Westminster.
I am the 4th Bishop of the Eparchy of New Westminster, yet actually the fifth bishop in as many decades to serve the good faithful of this area. We are also grateful to our interim Apostolic Administrator in the person of Bishop David Motiuk, who guided us for almost four years. In the relatively short while that I have been here since my being proposed by our Synod of Bishops and my formal appointment by Pope Francis in August of last year, I have come to know the dedicated clergy and religious that serve this Eparchy. The faithful laypersons that have made the Eparchy their home bring their hope and enthusiasm to the parishes and missions scattered around the cities and towns of the lush costal area and the majestic mountains. God willing, we will soon be able to offer pastoral services to those who have settled in the northernmost regions of the Eparchy in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. I am blessed with the honour of overseeing the celebration of our Golden Jubilee celebrations. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us together – the faithful, the clergy and the friends of our Eparchy – to refresh ourselves in this Jubilee oasis by reflecting on our past and assessing where we now find ourselves. Then, let us take up the challenge of continuing the spiritual pilgrimage into the next 50 years of living and growing in our faith and, by the grace and love of God, sharing it with whomever we can.
Our Celebrations
This year, 2024, the Eparchy would like to have many local celebrations of our Jubilee on the parish level so that all of our parishioners and visitors may participate in the commemorations and spiritual benefits. We encourage each parish and mission to consider creating a Jubilee event that would include a Eucharistic Liturgy and some repast, but also an educational, spiritual program that would empower the community to look forward to the coming years of activity.
1. In fact, as our Eparchy was actually founded 50 years ago on June 27th, the Jubilee Committee wants to encourage all our Parishes to hold their local Jubilee celebration on the Sunday prior to that date (since we are all meeting at our Grindrod Parish the following weekend on the 29th). Therefore, unless parishes are planning something for later in the year, it is suggested that they hold their local parish Eparchial Jubilee Celebration on Sunday 23 June 2024.
2. Presently there are two major events planned on the all-eparchial level. This includes the first Annual Eparchial Pilgrimage which will take place this year at our Parish in Grindrod on the weekend of Saturday 29 June 2024 coinciding with their parish feast of Saints Peter and Paul as the parish also celebrates its centenary this year! Among the various activities on that weekend, the unveiling of the Marian Icon of our Eparchy will take place. The new icon of the Mother of God is presently being written and will be blessed at Grindrod.
3, The second major Jubilee event will be a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Saturday the 28 September 2024 at our beautiful Cathedral of the Holy Eucharist in New Westminster led by bishops from around Canada and to which all the faithful of our Eparchy are invited. The celebration will include a meal and various presentations. The days leading up to this key commemoration will include seminars, family festivities and celebrations in the Metro Vancouver area.
Please share your thoughts and ideas with your local parish and with the Jubilee Committee via jubilee@nweparchy.ca or write to Jubilee Committee, 502 Fifth Ave. New Westminster, BC, V3L 1S2 or through your parish priest.
May our Lord continue to richly bless our Eparchy as He has over the last half century. May the Lord inspire us during our Jubilee year to wisely and boldly plan for the journey forward with Him, His Blessed Mother and all the patron Saints of our Eparchy!
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