Spiritual Journey to Bethlehem

Spiritual Journey to Bethlehem

A project of the Eparchial Catechetical Commission

Liturgical preparation

by Fr. Andrzej Wasylinko

Icon of the Nativity

by sr. Patricia Lacey, SSMI

Icon of the Theophany

by Fr. Andrii Chornenkyi

Ukrainian Catholic Bishops

Блаженніший Святослав Шевчук

His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk – The Head of the Church


Владика Борис Ґудзяк

 Metropolitan Borys Gudziak – Archeparchy of Philadelphia

Владика Василь Семенюк

Metropolitan Vasyl Semenyuk – Archeparchy of Ternopil-Zboriv

Владика Володимир Війтишин

Metropolitan Volodymyr Vijtyshyn – Archeparchy of Ivano-Frankivsk

Владика Володимир Ковбич

Metropolitan Volodemer Koubetch – Archeparchy of St. John the Baptist, Curitiba

Владика Євген Попович

Metropolitan Eugeniusz Popowicz – Archeparchy of Przemysl-Warsaw

Владика Ігор Возьняк

Metropolitan Ihor Voznyak – Archeparchy of Lviv

Владика Лаврентій Гуцуляк

Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak – Archeparchy of Winnipeg


Владика Аркадій Трохановський

Bishop Arkadiusz Trochanowski – Eparchy of Olsztyn-Gdansk 

Владика Богдан Данило

Bishop Bohdan Danylo – Eparchy of St. Josaphat, Parma

Владика Браян Байда

Bishop Bryan Bayda – Eparchy of Saskatoon

Владика Василь Івасюк

Bishop Vasyl Ivasyuk – Eparchy of Kolomyya

Владика Венедикт Алексійчук

Bishop Benedict Aleksiychuk – Eparchy of St Nicholas, Chicago

Владика Володимир Ющак

Bishop Włodzimierz Juszczak – Eparchy of Wroclaw-Koszalin

Владика Давид Мотюк

Bishop David Motiuk – Eparchy of Edmonton

Владика Даниїл Козлинський

Bishop Daniel Kozlinski – Eparchy of Protection of the Mother of God, Argentina

Владика Дмитро Григорак

Bishop Dmytro Hryhorak – Eparchy of Buchach

Владика Іван Кулик

Bishop Ivan Kulyk – Eparchy of Kamyanets-Podilsk

Владика Йосафат Мощич

Bishop Josaphat Moschych – Eparchy of Chernivtsi

Владика Кеннет Новаківський

Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski – Eparchy of Holy Family, London

Владика Миколай Бичок

Bishop Mykolay Bychok – Eparchy of Australia, New Zeland and Oceania

Владика Мирон Мазур

Bishop Myron Mazur – Eparchy of Immaculate Conception, Prudentopolis

Владика Михаїл Колтун

Bishop Mykhailo Koltun – Eparchy of Sokal-Zhovkva

Владика Павло Хомницький

Bishop Paul Chomnycky – Eparchy of Stamford

Владика Петро Стасюк

Bishop Petro Stasiuk – Eparchy of Australia, New Zeland and Oceania

Владика Тарас Сеньків

Bishop Taras Senkiv – Eparchy of Stryi

Владика Ярослав Приріз

Bishop Yaroslav Pryriz – Eparchy of Sambir-Drohobych


Владика Степан Сус

Bishop Stepan Sus – Curial Bishop


Владика Діонісій Ляхович

Bishop Dionisio Lachovich – Apostolic Exarchate in Italy

Владика Богдан Дзюрах

Bishop Bohdan Dzyurakh – Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia


Владика Василь Тучапець

Bishop Vasyl Tuchapets – Exarchate of Kharkiv

Владика Йосафат Олег Говера

Bishop Josaphat Hovera – Exarchate of Lutsk

Владика Михайло Бубній

Bishop Mykhailo Bubniy – Exarchate of Odesa

Владика Степан Меньок

Bishop Stepan Meniok – Exarchate of Donetsk  


Владика Гліб Лончина

Bishop Hlib Lonchyna – Eparchy of St. Volodymyr the Great, Paris


Владика Андрій Рабій

Auxiliary Bishop Andriy Rabiy – Archeparchy of Philadelphia

Владика Богдан Манишин

Auxiliary Bishop Bohdan Manyshyn – Eparchy of Stryi

Владика Володимир Груца

Auxiliary Bishop Volodymyr Hrutsa – Archeparchy of Lviv

Владика Григорій Комар

Auxiliary Bishop Hryhoriy Komar – Eparchy of Sambir-Drohobych

Владика Йосиф Мілян

Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Milyan – Archeparchy of Kyiv

Владика Петро Лоза

Auxiliary Bishop Petro Loza – Eparchy of Sokal-Zhovkva

Владика Теодор Мартинюк

Auxiliary Bishop Teodor Martynyuk – Archeparchy of Ternopil-Zboriv


Владика Василь Лостен

Bishop-Emeritus Vasyl Losten  – Eparchy of Stamford

Владика Василь Медвіт

Bishop-Emeritus Vasyl Medvit  – Exarchate of Donetsk

Владика Іван Бура

Bishop-Emeritus Ivan Bura  – Archeparchy of Philadelphia

Владика Іван Мартиняк

Bishop-Emeritus Ivan Martyniak – Archeparchy of Przemysl-Warsaw

Владика Іриней Білик

Bishop-Emeritus Iryney Bilyk  – Eparchy of Buchach

Владика Михаїл Вівчар

Bishop-Emeritus Michael Wiwchar – Eparchy of Saskatoon

Владика Роберт Москаль

Bishop-Emeritus Robert Moskal – Eparchy of St. Josaphat, Parma

Владика Северіян Якимишин

Bishop-Emeritus Severian Yakymyshyn – Eparchy of New Westminster

Владика Степан Хміляр

Bishop-Emeritus Stephen Chmilar – Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada

Владика Стефан Сорока

Bishop-Emeritus Stefan Soroka – Archeparchy of Philadelphia

Владика Петро Крик

Bishop-Emeritus Petro Kryk – Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia

SOURCE: https://synod.ugcc.ua/bishops/ 

Ukrainian Catholic Eparchies


http://www.archeparchy.ca/Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg

http://www.edmontoneparchy.com/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton

http://www.skeparchy.org/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon

http://www.ucet.ca/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto

http://www.nweparchy.ca/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster


http://www.ukrarcheparchy.us/Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia

http://chicagougcc.org/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St Nicholas (Chicago)

http://www.stamforddio.org/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford

http://www.stjosaphateparchy.com – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat (Parma)


http://cerkiew.org – Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Przemysl-Warsaw

http://www.cerkiew.net.pl/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Wroclaw-Koszalin

http://cerkiew.eu – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Olsztyn-Gdansk


http://www.kyiv.clcd.ru – Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Kyiv

http://www.lutsk-ugcc.org.ua/ – Ukrainian Catholic Exarchate of Lutsk

http://www.ugcc.dn.ua/ – Ukrainian Catholic Exarchate of Donetsk

http://www.ugcc.od.ua/ – Ukrainian Catholic Exarchate of Odesa

http://ugcc.kharkiv.ua – Ukrainian Catholic Exarchate of Kharkiv  

http://www.ugcc.lviv.ua/Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Lviv

http://stryi.ugcc.org.ua/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stryi

http://www.sde.org.ua/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Sambir-Drohobych

http://www.sokaleparchy.org.ua/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Sokal-Zhovkva 

http://ugcc.if.uaUkrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Ivano-Frankivsk 

https://kolugcc.org.ua – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Kolomyya

http://ugcc.cv.ua  – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Chernivtsi

http://www.tze.org.ua/Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Ternopil-Zboriv  

http://www.buchacheparchy.org.ua/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Buchach

https://ugcc.km.ua – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Kamyanets-Podilsk


https://metropolia.org.br – Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of St. John the Baptist (Curitiba)

https://metropolia.org.br/eparquia/prudentopolis-catedral/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Immaculate Conception (Prudentopolis)



https://www.ucc-gb.com  Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Holy Family (London)

http://ugcc.fr – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Volodymyr the Great (Paris)

http://www.ukrainische-kirche.de/index.php?ua_info – Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia

http://www.esarcato-apostolico-ucraino.it/uk/ – Apostolic Exarchate in Italy

https://www.ukrainische-kirche.at/uk/uebersetzung/ – Ukrainian Catholic Church in Western Austria

http://www.ugcc.ie/ – Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ireland

https://www.facebook.com/church.ugcc.in.hungary/?ref=page_internal – Ukrainian Catholic Church in Hungary

https://www.facebook.com/groups/www.ugcc.ee – Ukrainian Catholic Church in Estonia

https://www.facebook.com/groups/116124602304805 – Ukrainian Catholic Church in Greece


http://catholicukes.org.au/ – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Australia, New Zeland and Oceania

http://www.eparquia-pokrov.org – Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Protection of the Mother of God (Argentina)

http://www.rkcvo.ru/ – Official website of the Eastern Catholics in Russia

https://www.facebook.com/ugcckaz/ – Ukrainian Catholic Church in Kazakhstan

https://www.facebook.com/UGCCinUAE – Ukrainian Catholic Church in United Arab Emirates


Jesus’ Pivotal Question

Jesus’ Pivotal Question to Us in Times of Despair

By Archbishop (Emeritus) Stefan Soroka

As all of us practice physical distancing in this time of the coronavirus pandemic, we might give some thought to what Jesus Christ would say to you and to me as He walks amidst us.  He would undoubtedly ask us a pivotal question as to our faith, just as He did when healing others.  There are some lessons for you and me in these healing miracles as we cope with today’s pandemic.

Recall when Jesus returned from the mountain top with his closest friends, only to find the apostles baffled, helpless and ineffective.  They had fallen into despair because they could not help a father desperate for a cure of his ill son.  Jesus challenges the father saying, “Everything is possible to one who has faith” (Mk 9:23).  It is as if Jesus says, “The cure of the boy depends not on me, but on you”.  Herein lies a universal truth.  To approach anything in the spirit of hopelessness is to make it hopeless.  To approach anything in the spirit of faith is to make it a possibility.  Many people are cursed with a sense of the impossible, and that is why miracles cannot happen. The father’s response is inspiring to us, “I do believe, help my unbelief” (Mk 9:24).  Jesus did not disappoint the father.  He cured the boy.

When they were by themselves, the apostles asked Jesus what was the cause of their failure, their inability to cure the boy.  They remembered how Jesus had sent them to preach and to heal, and to cast out the evil spirits.  Why could they not do it this time?  Jesus simply answered that this kind of cure demanded a closeness with God through faithful prayer.  They had been equipped with power, but it needed prayer to maintain it.  There is a lesson here for you and for me.  God gives each of us a gift.  We are called to maintain close contact with him, or the gift will wither and die.  Jesus also cautioned the apostles, and cautions you and me to be humble in using our gifts.  When that which should be used for God’s glory is used for our own glory, then the virtue goes out of it. 

A similar pivotal question was asked of the many blind people Jesus healed.  You will recall that some cried out for mercy as Jesus passed by, while others were brought to Jesus for healing.  They are all asked what they would like.  Jesus asks them if they believe He can do this for them.  Their affirmative “yes” of faith yields their regaining their sight. There is also the occasion when some have to follow Jesus into the house, not healed amidst the crowds.  Jesus emphasized the value of our personal relationship of faith with Him.  Jesus wants us to sit down face to face with us, and to be with us fully. We all need God’s healing because there are parts of us that are broken and need to be put back together again.  There are parts of us that are sick that need to be restored to health.  We need the reviving power of God within us, just as the blind men received in their healing and restoration of sight.

Then there is the story of a man who was deaf and who had an impediment in his speech.  Jesus treats him with much compassion, taking him aside to heal him.  Jesus wants to take you and me aside also. He does not want to embarrass us that we may be strangers to him in prayer.  Jesus wants us to step outside of our own rushing and meeting agendas and expectations and perceived priorities.  It was the man’s inability to hear which made his speech imperfect.  Are we ourselves so involved with our friend “hurry”? Are we so busy ourselves that we are lost and confused as to what really matters, subject to frustrations and temptations, sinfulness, imperfect speech because we have lost the skill of hearing?  Are we unable to hear God’s word in our lives, and thus the speech of our lives is impaired or imperfect?

When we pray, let’s ask for healing of our listening ears.  Ask God to rid you and me of that which causes our spiritual darkness.  Step aside from your preoccupations, addictions, clutter of communication.  Step aside with the Lord and allow Him to be present to you, to hear His whispers of what He desires of you, to know of His unconditional love for you.

“Do you believe I can do this for you?”  If our answer is a “yes” of faith in Jesus, then He will fill us with an inner power that will be beyond what we ever imagined.  This is the life of faith. God leads you and me by progressive touches or experiences to that moment when our “yes” becomes our life, the moment of complete peace in Jesus Christ!

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