What an incredible day we had yesterday, June 9th, celebrating our Nanaimo Ukrainian Festival and the 40th anniversary of our beloved Nanaimo Church!
A heartfelt thank you dear Bishop Michael for your blessing and father’s love. Thank you to everyone who played a part in making this day so special. From the tireless organizers and dedicated volunteers who helped us and in the kitchen to the talented performers who filled our day with beautiful music, dance, and song – your contributions are deeply appreciated.
To everyone who attended and supported our community with your presence and donations, thank you for joining us in celebration. Your enthusiasm and spirit made this day truly memorable.
We had the honor of welcoming our church’s founders on behalf of Bishop Michael on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the parish.
Here’s to many more years of unity, culture, and faith in our wonderful community!
Bishop Michael Kwiatkowski has announced that Father Joseph Ostopowich, who has served the Eparchy for 40 years as a dedicated priest, will be elevated to the status of Archpriest at the Eparchial Pilgrimage and Parish Centenary at Grindrod on 29 June 2024.
Father Joe was ordained to the priesthood on 20 May 1984 by the first Bishop of our eparchy, the late Most Rev. Jerome Chimy, OSBM.
Since his ordination, Fr. Joe has served in several of the parishes throughout the Eparchy as well as in the state of Washington, USA. It is significant that Grindrod was chosen as the place where the title of Archpriest will be conferred, as Fr. Joe was the priest who revived the parish in 1985, shortly after his ordination.
Besides being successfully engaged in Parish pastoral work, Father Joe became increasingly engaged with special ministry within the prison system – and in particular with minor youth offenders. He is dedicated to this ministry to this day.
Father Joeseph had also made the effort to undergo training in number of areas that have made him a valuable advisor and worker in the eparchy, and beyond, in the fields of: Indigenous cultures, suicide intervention, AIDS/HIV assistance, grief and mourning counseling, and, again, ongoing training in the field of outreach to those who land in the federal and local corrections systems.
For forty years now, Fr. Joe Ostopowich has been a loved and respected member of the clergy of the Eparchy of New Westminster. All the clergy, the Sisters and lay faithful – especially those who he served over the years – will gladly sing out “Axios!” “he is deserving!” when Bishop Michael grants him the rank and insignia of an Archpriest at the 10:00 AM hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Sts. Peter & Paul parish church in Grindrod, BC. This will take place on one amazing Saturday morning on June 29th as we celebrate the parish’s Centenary and initiate the Annual Marian Pilgrimage of the Eparchy of New Westminster. You will want to be there!
Join us as we celebrate a remarkable dual milestone at Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Parish, Grindrod, BC!
We’re commemorating not only our Parish Centennial but also the inauguration of our Eparchy’s 50th anniversary celebration.
We invite you and your family to join us for an unforgettable celebration filled with joy, gratitude, and unity.
Let’s honor our past, celebrate our present, and look forward to a future filled with hope and promise. This special event is a time for us to come together, reflect on our rich heritage, and celebrate the countless blessings that have shaped our parish over the past century.
We’re looking forward to praying and celebrating together with you!
For more information and RSVP, please contact your parish priest and inform him about your willingness to attend ASAP.
Fr. Andriy Werbowy
If you wish to see the schedule and to register for the Grindrod Pilgrimage, please, visit :
2 червня 2024 року українська парафіяльна громада Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці у Кортні презентувала українську кухню на святковій вечері.
На заході було присутньо понад 350 людей. Опісля вечері люди поділились своїми відгуками про українську їжу та про те, як вони захоплені смаками сучасної української кухні.
Щиро дякуємо о. Давиду та громаді «Царя Христа» за можливість провести цю вечерю. Дякуємо також волонтерам, кухарям та всім людям, які долучились до приготування.
В єдності наша сила!
З молитвою,
Fr. Stepan Vytvytskyi
On June 2, 2024, the Ukrainian parish community of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Courtenay presented Ukrainian food at the special dinner.
Over 350 people attended the event. After the dinner, people shared their feedback on the Ukrainian food and expressed their admiration for the flavors of contemporary Ukrainian kitchen.
We sincerely thank Fr. David and the “Christ the King” community for the opportunity to host this dinner. Our gratitude to the volunteers and everyone who contributed to the preparation.
The Pastoral Visit of the Most Rev. Bishop Michael Kwiatkowski to our parish on the occasion of the 1st Confession and Solemn Holy Communion of the children and the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Eparchy.
Пастирський візит преосвященного Владики Михаїла Квятковського до нашої парафії з нагоди Першої Сповіді та Урочистого Св. Причастя наших дітей та відзначення 50-річчя Єпархії
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