Bishop Michael Kwiatkowski and Vicar General Father Mykhailo Ozorovych, represented our Eparchy, upon the invitation of representatives of the Canadian Bible Society (CBS), to discuss past collaboration as well as future needs and plans.
To begin with, sincere gratitude was expressed to the Senior Manager of the CBS, Majd Alajji and the Society’s regional Director for British Columbia and the Yukon, Rev. Matthew Francis – for their providing a good number of Ukrainian language Bibles and illustrated Children’s Bibles for the great number of Newcomers from Ukraine. These Bibles have been distributed to all our parishes throughout British Columbia and have been offered to all families and individuals for their home use and their parish Bible studies.
Much was discussed about the many immigrant communities throughout Canada from many various countries who have made their way to settle in Canada for a myriad of reasons – mostly war and social unrest. It was fascinating to learn about the similarities in the experience and needs of the different ‘diaspora’ groups as well as the uniqueness of each community.
It was interesting to learn that the amazing coloured Children’s activity Bible – Біблія для дітей 2 – now in two volumes, was designed and published from the Ukraine branch of the Bible Society and other language groups would like to develop something similar.
For more information about the Canadian Bible Society, click [HERE]
To learn about the Ukrainian Bible Society, click [HERE]
Every year on the fourth Saturday in November, Ukraine, Canada and the world commemorate Holodomor Memorial Day. We gather in our communities to remember and honour the millions of victims of the Holodomor.
In 1932-33, the Soviet Communist regime of Joseph Stalin committed genocide against the Ukrainian people. Turning food into a weapon, the Communist regime attempted to destroy the Ukrainian nation. The Communist regime confiscated all grain and food, and sealed Ukraine’s borders. Any resistance was brutally crushed. The Ukrainian people starved.
In 1932-33 the Communist regime murdered millions of Ukrainians for their desire to speak their own language, practice their traditions and live free in their own land.
This year, as we mark the 91st commemoration of this genocide, we remain united in remembrance. The ruthless Russian aggressor is committing yet another genocide of the Ukrainian people and is deliberately attempting to destroy the Ukrainian state, language, culture and traditions. As Ukrainian Canadians, we remain one with the Ukrainian people in protecting our history, identity, and sharing the truth.
We unite in memory of all who, during the Holodomor and throughout the centuries, were lost to a nation. We unite in honour of Holodomor survivors with whom the community was blessed; their will to survive and their hope for a brighter future. We unite in sharing the stories of the People of Truth, who tried to alert the world. We unite in honour of the women and men who throughout history defended Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. We unite in recognition of the bravery and resilience of the Ukrainian people who today defend their country and the freedom of Europe from Russia’s genocidal war of aggression.
Мay the Memory of the Victims Be Eternal. Вічная Пам’ять.
On Saturday, November 23 all Canadians to urged to pause and remember.
● At 19:32 (7:32 p.m.) local time pause for a moment of silence wherever one may be to honour the memory of the victims.
● Light a candle of remembrance in one’s home.
● Post photos of your candles on social media with your thoughts of remembrance.
● Request local churches to toll their bells at 19:32 in honour of the victims.
An additional purpose for our prayer and fasting prior to Christmas…
“… I invite everyone to dedicate the pre-Christmas fast to special prayer and fasting for the victory of our people over the darkness of war. Let us pray for our military, for all those who cry, grieve and suffer today and are is such need for this coming of the long-awaited Savior who will bring with Him His peace, His heavenly peace. Today I invite you to join in prayer on the Rosary every evening at 8:00 pm.* I invite everyone to join in the prayer vigil of unceasing prayer that now resounds throughout our church. Let us deeply experience this time of preparation together so that we may fully accept the gift of salvation that Christ will bring us in His Nativity!”
(*that is 10:00 AM in the Eparchy of New Westminster)
– The concluding appeal of His Beatitude Sviatoslav following his video message on the occasion of the 1000th day of the merciless full-scale war waged by Russia against Ukraine.
Важлива мета нашої молитви та посту перед Різдвом…
«… Я запрошую усіх той передріздвяний піст посвятити особливій молитві і посту за перемогу нашого народу над темрявою війни молімося за наше військо ко за всіх тих хто сьогодні плаче сумує і страждає і так потребує цього приходу довгожданного спаситель який з собою принесе мир свій Небесний мир сьогодні запрошую кожного дня до спільної молитви о 8 годині вечора* на вервиці запрошую усіх до стати до молитовної сторожі безперервної молитви яка лунає У нашій церкві давайте разом глибоко переживемо цей час приготування щоби в повні прийняти дар спасіння яке принесе нам Христос у своєму різдві.»
(*це 10:00 ранку в нашій Єпархії Нью-Вестмінстера)
– Заключне щире звернення Патріарха Святослава після його відеозвернення з нагоди 1000-го дня нещадної повномасштабної війни, яку Росія веде проти України.
(*це 10:00 ранку в нашій Єпархії Нью-Вестмінстера)
On behalf of all the clergy, faithful parishioners, and the entire of the Eparchy of New Westminster, we extend our most heartfelt and joyful congratulations on your birthday!
As you celebrate this special day, we also give thanks to God for the blessing of your leadership during your first year of service in our Eparchy. Your unwavering faith, pastoral care, and tireless dedication have enriched our spiritual lives and brought renewed strength and vision to our community.
Your ministry inspires us to deepen our relationship with Christ and live out our faith with greater courage and love. You have shown us what it means to lead with humility, wisdom, and compassion, and we are truly grateful for your guidance.
May our Loving Lord continue to bless you abundantly with good health, joy, and boundless grace. May the Blessed Mother shelter you under her protective mantle, and may St. Michael the Archangel always be at your side, strengthening you in your episcopal mission.
We pray that the Holy Spirit fills you with His gifts, that your light continues to shine brightly, and that God grants you many joyful years of fruitful service in His vineyard.
With deepest gratitude and prayers, The Clergy, Parishioners, and Faithful of the Eparchy of New Westminster
On this special day, the clergy and faithful of the New Westminster Eparchy and beyond warmly congratulate you on the first anniversary of your episcopal ordination.
One year ago, on November 8, 2023, the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, you embraced your calling as a bishop, led by the Holy Spirit and devoted to serving God and His people. Throughout this year, your leadership, wisdom, and care have strengthened the Ukrainian Catholic Church and inspired many across our community.
We are deeply grateful for your dedication to the spiritual growth and well-being of all of us. Your faith, kindness, and hard work have brought hope and encouragement to many.
May God bless you abundantly as you continue to guide us, and may St. Michael the Archangel watch over you in the years ahead.
With heartfelt prayers for many more years of blessed service!
The enthronement of Bishop Michael Kwiatkowski took place at the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vancouver. on November 18, 2023.
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