Bishop Michael Kwiatkowski and Vicar General Father Mykhailo Ozorovych, represented our Eparchy, upon the invitation of representatives of the Canadian Bible Society (CBS), to discuss past collaboration as well as future needs and plans.
To begin with, sincere gratitude was expressed to the Senior Manager of the CBS, Majd Alajji and the Society’s regional Director for British Columbia and the Yukon, Rev. Matthew Francis – for their providing a good number of Ukrainian language Bibles and illustrated Children’s Bibles for the great number of Newcomers from Ukraine. These Bibles have been distributed to all our parishes throughout British Columbia and have been offered to all families and individuals for their home use and their parish Bible studies.
Much was discussed about the many immigrant communities throughout Canada from many various countries who have made their way to settle in Canada for a myriad of reasons – mostly war and social unrest. It was fascinating to learn about the similarities in the experience and needs of the different ‘diaspora’ groups as well as the uniqueness of each community.
It was interesting to learn that the amazing coloured Children’s activity Bible – Біблія для дітей 2 – now in two volumes, was designed and published from the Ukraine branch of the Bible Society and other language groups would like to develop something similar.
For more information about the Canadian Bible Society, click [HERE]
To learn about the Ukrainian Bible Society, click [HERE]