Ryan Bjorgaard was ordained to Minor Orders (reader, cantor and subdeacon) by Bishop Michael Kwiatkowski on September 29th in Holy Eucharist Cathedral the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster.
Prayer of ordination:
O Lord our God, who through one and the same Holy Spirit, distribute Your gifts to each of those whom You have chosen; who have given Your Church different orders and different degrees of ministry for the service of Your holy and pure mysteries; who in Your unspeakable foreknowledge fore-ordained that Your servant, Ryan, be made worthy to serve in Your holy Church.
We humbly beseech You, keep him above reproach in all things. Grant him to love the beauty of Your house; to watch over the doors of Your holy temple, and to light the lampstand of the dwelling place of Your glory. Plant him in Your holy Church like a fruitful olive tree that he may bear the fruit of righteousness. Render him perfect so that in the time of Your coming he may receive the reward of those who strive at all times to please You.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen